Monday, July 19, 2010

I love the giant slide.  We took a break yesterday and ran away to the fair.  The weather cooled off just enough to make it a beautiful day out.  The baby pigs were born yesterday morning, so we got to see them on their birth day.  They were adorable and a bit wobbly in the legs.  I had to go back later to check on them because the little runts weren't getting food and I worried about those little cuties.  The volunteer  assured me she takes them home to bottle feed at night until they can get in there with the others.  I feel much better about those sweet little piglets.  So, about the food.  I had a giant cinnamon roll that was just as good as it was when I was a kid.  We also ate hot dogs at Pinks.  It's a hollywood landmark and they have a mini Pinks at the fair.  The best ever hotdogs.  We bought things we didn't need at the vendor market.  We oohed and aahed at all the amazing artwork and quilts and flowers and quirky collections that people submitted.  We marveled at the abundant garden displays.  We enjoyed all the FHA animals with the kids who raised them lounging in the pens with their charges.  Kyle and his friend ate every disgusting deep fried thing they could find and rode all the crazy rides.  We finished the day at the Train concert which rocked my world.  They were so engaged with the audience and the music was top notch.    It was a great day.


Karen said...

Sounds like a fantastic day! That giant slide scares me! lol I love to fly and fast roller coasters, but yup, the giant slide gives me shivers. But, you look so happy on that colorful toy! :> Have a great week, Tami!

Sue McGettigan said...

What fun, and such a great photo!! Glad to hear the little piggies are being looked out for, how cute :)

Unknown said...

Love all your pictures....but love the giant slide the most! I was at the state fair, but the guy I was with didn't want to slide...he is out!