Tuesday, August 12, 2008

smoke and fire

The entire time I sat in the dentist chair this morning, that is all I could think about. Remember the old Bill Cosby routine about the dentist? They try to talk to you and make you answer or even worse laugh while they have fast drilling things in there that could cut off your tongue. The whole time I was trying to sink down further in the chair and disappear. They didn't seem to notice that my entire being was a big knot of stress. I don't know how there can be job satisfaction working in a dental office. It's like the worst place in the world to me. Thank goodness somebody thinks it's a good job. Lucky for me the two people who ground my tooth down to a nub today over the course of 3 1/2 hours were good at it. Did I mention I hate the dentist office.


K Hutchinson said...

I HATE the dentist too!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Yuck! A nub? Ewwwwwww!!!!!

Yes.. Dentists are so darn evil... I mean, why do they talk to their patients like that? And they do it to kids too! Drives me crazy!!!! I just want to smack them upside the head because, I am one of those moms who is trying to train her kids to not talk with their mouths full.. and HELLO!!! All those things in their mouths!


Anonymous said...

LOL I thought Andi typed "Gangster" in the last comment... LOL

Ugh...well at least the hard part is over!

Anonymous said...

You are SO not alone! I've never understood why anyone would want to do stuff in another person's mouth. Ick, ick, ick!

christie said...

Oh I hate the dentist too. I once went and he really didn't do much and I told him, Oh this is the first time I've been to the denist and not had any pain, he replied"I'm saving that for next time!" Mean,mean man!!!!!!!

Sue McGettigan said...

LOL at the Cosby memory :) Yep, it's pretty hard to 'do time' in the dentist's chair, I'm thankful for their skill but even though I have huge trust in them it still makes me nervous as heck. I find my hands are clenched together, focus on breathing, pray that it's over soon :) Do you have an ipod? That might help a bit - I haven't had a major dental experience since I got my ipod, but in addition to giving me something good to listen to I think it might also discourage the dentist from talking to me while my mouth is full of tools :)

Thanh Vo said...

I have a love/hate relationship with mine. Glad things went ok in the end.