Thursday, October 18, 2007

No title fits this post

Some days it isn't easy being married to a police officer. Most days I go along in blissful denial doing my crafty thing, trucking the kiddo back and forth to school, and keeping the house running. Then, on days like today the phone rings too early in the morning, and I know it's not good news. Fortunately it was my hubby's voice on the other end letting me know that he is ok. It was an officer from the agency they were serving search warrants with this morning who was shot in the head. That's all that I know, because I refuse to watch the news on days like this. I don't know if it's a male or female officer, young or old, kids and spouse or single. All of that really doesn't matter, it matters that a good officer was shot today protecting his community. His or her family raced to the hospital this morning praying for a miracle. The job is a thankless one most days, but they get up every day and do it again for all of us. We don't think about the sacrifices they make, the pain they see, and the grief they go through. We're just glad that we feel safe in our homes and that they come when we need them. We have 8 years and 3 months until retirement, and then I won't have to worry when the phone rings. I'm ready for that.


Heather Grow said...

I'm sorry Tami. God bless your hubby for all the hard work he does.

Julie Prichard said...

my god..I don't know how you do it. ~hug~

Erin said...

That's terrible. I'm so grateful for what your husband does.

I don't know how you do it either.

Anonymous said...

aww, Tami..I'm so sorry to hear of this tragic loss.. I will send up paryers and I hope that you, too will feel less blue tomorrow..give your hubby an extra big hug tonight!

K Hutchinson said...

I'm not sure how you do it! I'm so sorry...sending you a big hug! You are so brave, to let him walk out the door everyday! Curtis sure is a brave man! I'm thankful for the safety he gives us all!

Pam Speidel said...

I'm so very sorry to hear about this Tami and can understand why you would be feeling so sad today. It's a tragedy.
I'm very grateful that there are brave men like your hubby that care enough to protect us all. Give him an extra hug tonight,ok? And I'm sending one for YOU too! :) Smiles, Pam

Mary said...

Tami, my heart goes out to you and the family that is affected by this tragedy. You are right, we do take our police officers and firefighters for granted, as well as our soldiers who are fighting for our freedom. God forgive us. Thank you for reminding us how precious these hard working men and women are to us. Please tell your husband that we truly appreciate his service and I will be praying for him (and your family) as he goes to work each day.

God bless you all.

Debbie said...

Oh TAmi, what a way to start the day, but the other family is worse. I'm so sorry to hear this. My father was a firefighter for 30 years and it was very scary sometimes. You're in my thoughts.

BarbK said...

Tami, I'm sorry to hear of this dreadful tragedy. May God keep you and yours, and all the wonderful people who serve their communitites in all capacities, in His care.

Swamp Tulip said...

Oh Tami, how terrible. I'll pray that your husband remains safe throught his career. We have several law enforcement family members and they are truly special for all that do.



Sue McGettigan said...

Blessings to you Tami, heard this story on the radio and thought of you.

Far North said...

Wow when tragedy comes close to home it sure can leave us trembling...Big hugs all around for your family tonight!

Andi (RrlScrapGal) said...

Big hugs to you Tami...
Prayers to the family that lost their father, son, husband... what a tragedy....
I hope your husband is also taking everything in stride, mentally that is... I'm sure his spirit gets a 'chunk' taken out each time a friend is taken away under these circumstances... what a job...
Peace be with all of you....

Anonymous said...

oh, oh Tami ... I stopped in to see how you're doing and read this terrible story. Grateful it's not YOUR hubby, and my heart goes out to the other family. You know.
Lucy G